Wetenschappelijke publicaties 1997

  • Dovermann, H. & J. Lelieveld (1997), 'Europese SP/TM-onderzoekers organiseren zich. European meeting for shoeprint and toolmark examiners', Modus, 6 (5), 33-34.
  • Elissen, A. & M.L. Hordijk (1997), 'DRCHIS, Drugs geRelateerd CHemicaliën Informatie Systeem', CRI-themaboek, (uitgave van het KLPD, divisie CRI, 256 blz).
  • Faber, N.M., A. Lorber & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Generalized Rank Annihilation Method: Standard errors in the estimated eigenvalues if the instrumental errors are heteroscedastic and correlated', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 95-109.
  • Faber, N.M. & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Propagation of measurement errors for the validation of predictions obtained by principal component regression and partial least squares', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 181-238.
  • Faber, N.M. & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Critical evaluation of two F-tests for selecting the number of factors in abstract factor analysis', Analytica Chimica Acta, 337, 57-71.
  • Faber, N.M. & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Modification of Malinowski's F-test for abstract factor analysis applied to the Quail Roost II data sets', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 53-72.
  • Faber, N.M. & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Improved prediction error estimates for multivariate calibration by correcting for the measurement error in the reference values', Applied Spectroscopy, 51, 660-665.
  • Faber, N.M. & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Improved estimation of the limit of detection in multivariate calibration', Fresenius' Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 357, 789-795.
  • Faber, N.M. (1997), 'On solving generalized eigenvalue problems using Matlab', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 87-91.
  • Faber, N.M., A. Lorber & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Comments on "Interrelationships between sensitivity and selectivity measures for spectroscopic analysis"', Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 38, 89-93.
  • Faber, N.M., A. Lorber & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Analytical figures of merit for tensorial calibration', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 419-461.
  • Fagel, W.P.F. (1997), 'Conferentie schriftexperts. Oprichting European Network of Handwriting Experts', Modus, 6 (5), 29-32.
  • Fagel, W.P.F. (1997), 'Vergelijkend handschriftonderzoek', Themabulletin Betaalmiddelen (uitgave van het KLPD, divisie CRI), 47-49.
  • Geradts, Z. & R. Visser (1997), 'ZeRo's pagina', Modus 6, (1) 25, (2) 25, (3) 23, (4) 25, (5) 23 en (6), 18.
  • Gill P., E. d'Aloja, J. Andersen, B. Dupuy, M. Jangblad, V. Johnnson, A. Klooster-man, A. Kratzer, M.V. Lareu, M. Meldegaard, C. Phillips, H. Pfitzinger, S. Rand, M. Sabatier, R. Scheithauer, H. Schmitter, P. Schneider & M.C. Vide (1997), 'Report on the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP): an investigation of the complex STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA (FGA)', Forensic Science International, 86, 25-33.
  • Gill P., B Brinkmann, E. d'Aloja, J. Andersen, W. Bar, A. Carracedo, B. Dupuy, B. Eriksen, M. Jangblad, V. Johnnson, A. Kloosterman, P. Lincoln, N. Morling, S. Rand, M. Sabatier, R. Scheithauer, P. Schneider & M.C. Vide (1997), 'Considerations from the European DNA profiling group (EDNAP) concerning STR nomenclature', Forensic Science International, 87, 185-192.
  • Gussenhoven, C. & A. Broeders (1997), 'English pronunciation for teachers', Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen (second edition).
  • Henseler, J. (1997), 'Computerspecialisten gevraagd voor misdaadbestrijding', De Automatisering Gids, 33/34, 17.
  • Heuvel, H. van den (1997), 'Verborgen schrift ontsluierd. Zichtbaar maken van doorgedrukt schrift met dactyfolie' Modus, 6 (2), 28-30.
  • Hordijk, M. (1997), 'European Paint Group. Verfspecialisten bijeen in Rijswijk', Modus, 6 (1), 26-27.
  • Jansen, H. & A. Kloosterman (1997), 'Europese werkgroep forensische DNA-onderzoekers. Eerste officiële werkgroep in Noordwijkerhout', Modus, 6 (1), 28-29.
  • Karelse, W. (1997), 'Sporen zeven. Machine helpt bij het vinden van de juiste sporen', Modus 6 (4) 31-32.
  • Kloosterman, A. & H. Janssen (1997), 'Forensic DNA testing and its legislation in The Netherlands', Forensic Science International, 88, 55-58.
  • Koeleman, A.S.M. (1997), 'Forensisch onderzoek in Polen. Bezoek aan het Instytut Ekspertyz Sadowych', Modus 6 (6), 26-27.
  • Lorber, A., N.M. Faber & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Net analyte signal calculation in multivariate calibration', Analytical Chemistry, 69, 1620-1626.
  • Makkinga, W.J. (1997), 'Onderzoek verkeersongevallen door Gerechtelijk Laboratorium. De goede dingen goed doen', Verkeersknooppunt, 106, 6-9.
  • Meer, H.M.P. & W. Neuteboom (1997), 'GRAM-enquête. De stand van zaken', Modus, 6 (4), 28-30.
  • Ovington, A., P. Daselaar, M. Sjerps & A.D. Kloosterman (1997), 'A Dutch population study of the STR loci D21S11 and HUMFIBRA', International Journal of Legal Medicine, 110, 14-17.
  • Peltenburg, H. (1997), 'Technische installaties vaak niet goed afgeregeld', Effect (vakblad voor energie-efficiency in rijksgebouwen), 5 (6), 6-7.
  • Puts, J. & Z. Geradts (1997), 'IAFS-congres. Verslag van de 14e bijeenkomst in Tokyo', Modus, 6 (1), 20-21.
  • Schans, M.J. van der, A.W.H.M. Kuypers, A.D. Kloosterman, H.J.T. Janssen & F.M. Everaets (1997), 'Comparison of resolution of double-stranded and single-stranded DNA in capillary electrophoresis', Journal of Chromatography, 772, 255-264.
  • Smit, R. & R. Hermsen (1997), 'Ballistische identificatiesystemen. Modernisering van het forensische wapenonderzoek', Modus, 6 (6), 23-25.
  • Sprangers, W.J.J.M. & E.J. Wolf (1997), 'De toekomst van de bestrijding van de zware criminaliteit. De rol van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium'. In: D.W. Steenhuis e.a. (red.), 'Greep op de misdaad', Voorlichting Openbaar Ministerie, Den Haag, 95-99.
  • Sprangers, W.J.J.M. & E.J. Wolf (1997), 'De forensische wetenschap in Europa. Vervagende grenzen, toenemende samenwerking', Modus, 6 (5), 24-28.
  • Stor, G.J. (1997), 'Haren en (vezel)contactsporen. Toelichting op een nieuwe FT-norm", Modus 6 (3), 35-37.
  • Wentzell, P.D., D.T. Andrews, D.C. Hamilton, N.M. Faber & B.R. Kowalski (1997), 'Maximum Likelihood Principal Component Analysis', Journal of Chemometrics, 11, 339-366.
  • Xu, X., J.A. de Koeijer, J.J.M. de Moel en H. Logtenberg (1997), 'Ink analysis for forensic science applications by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with photo-diode array detection', International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, 3, 240-260.


  • Bouten, J.S, 'Text independent speaker identification in a forensic context', Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Phonetics, Edinburgh, 6-10 juli 1997.
  • Dovermann, H., 'A Dutch proficiency test for Shoeprint Identification', Second European Meeting of Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners, Noordwijkerhout, 21-24 april 1997.
  • Galen G.P. van, H.J.J. Hardy & A.J.W.M. Thomassen, 'State, trait and environmental influences on the dynamics of handwriting generation as possible clues for forensic analysis', Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the Gesellschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung (GFS), Luzern, 10-13 september 1997.
  • Gemmert A.W.A. van, G.P. van Galen & H.J.J. Hardy, 'Effects of slowing: A comparison of age-related and task-related slowing', Proceedings of the 1997 IGS conference, Genua, 24-28 augustus 1997, 133-134.
  • Goddijn, S.M.A. & A.P.A. Broeders, 'Brothers in crime', Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Phonetics, Edinburgh, 6-10 juli 1997.
  • Hardy H.J.J., G.P. van Galen & A.W.A. van Gemmert, 'Effects of slowing: A comparison of age-related and task-related slowing', Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the Gesellschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung (GFS), Luzern, 10-13 september 1997.
  • Hardy H.J.J., G.P. van Galen & A.W.A. van Gemmert, 'Dynamical features of disguised handwriting', Proceedings of the Third International Congress of the Gesellschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung (GFS), Luzern, 10-13 september 1997.
  • Huizer, H., 'What are synthetic drugs?', Proceedings of the EU-seminar on Synthetic Drugs, Eindhoven, Den Haag, 28-29 april 1997, 15-18.
  • Karelse, W. & J. Keijzer, 'Quality improvement in the chain of evidence', Proceedings of the 2nd meeting working group Crime Scene, Rome, 4-5 april 1997 (hoofdstuk 7, 6 blz).
  • Keereweer, I., 'The Nike project results barefoot identification', Second European Meeting of Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners, Noordwijkerhout, 21-24 april 1997.
  • Kloosterman, A.D., 'The DNA-database programme in The Netherlands', Second Joint Conference on DNA Databanks and Repositories, Chicago, 7-10 december 1997.
  • Leijenhorst, H.A.L., 'A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the Automatic Tape Scanning Systems of Foster and Freeman, Leica Q600 FiFi and Cox Analytical Systems Maxcan', Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the European Fibres Group, Berlijn, juni 1997, 53-58.
  • Leuven, E. van, 'The National Collection of unidentified bullets and cartridge cases in The Netherlands', Proceedings of the EU-seminar on Forensic Intelligence, Den Haag, 19 maart 1997, 37-45.
  • Nolan, F. & A.P.A. Broeders, 'Expressing conclusions in a Bayesian framework', Annual Conference of the International Association of Forensic Phonetics, Edinburgh, 6-10 juli 1997.
  • Peijl, G.J.Q. van der, 'Information from forensic paint collections', Proceedings of the EU-seminar on Forensic Intelligence, Den Haag, 19 maart 1997, 47-52.
  • Sjerps, M.J., 'Verbal probability scales for reporting in forensic casework', Second Second European Meeting of Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners, Noordwijkerhout, 21-24 april 1997.
  • Sjerps, M.J. & A.D. Kloosterman, 'Incriminating aspects of DNA profile mismatches for close relatives of an excluded suspect', First European Meeting of Forensic Science, Lausanne, 17-19 september 1997.
  • Theeuwen, A.B.E., 'Enhancement of footwear impressions in blood', Second European Meeting of Shoeprint and Toolmark Examiners, Noordwijkerhout, 21-24 april 1997.


  • Theeuwen, A.B.E. & J.C.M. Limborgh, 'Enhancement of footwear impressions in blood', First European Meeting of Forensic Science, Lausanne, 17-19 september 1997.
  • Vreede, P.E. de & H.A.L. Leijenhorst, 'Low magnification stereoscopic examination of human hairs; use of reference cards', First European Meeting of Forensic Science, Lausanne, 17-19 september 1997.